A duty drawback is the refund of certain duties, internal revenue taxes, and certain fees collected upon the importation of goods and refunded when the merchandise is exported or destroyed.
Eligibility for drawback will be evaluated based on whether the company is in compliance with Customs and other applicable federal regulations and/or laws.
There are three forms of duty drawbacks consisting of manufacturing, unused merchandise, and rejected merchandise.
Manufacturing Drawback
Imported articles used in manufacturing or production that are later exported or destroyed under CBP supervision. Drawback rulings are required for eligibility. The forms of manufacturing drawbacks include:
Unused Merchandise Drawback
A “same condition” drawback, is a refund of 99% of duties, fees, and taxes paid with respect to imported merchandise that is subsequently exported (or destroyed under Customs supervision) within three years after its date of importation, without having been changed in condition or used in the United States prior to such exportation or destruction.
Rejected Merchandise
Merchandise that is defective, does not meet specific standards or is shipped without consent that is exported back to the overseas manufacturer or destroyed.